Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Photographic Update: Pickard's Mountain Cottage

Danielle and I squatted at the Pickard's Mountain cottage on Sunday night, after a long afternoon (and evening) of lime plastering at her house (which I have to get some photos of...). Margaret, who recently moved out of the cottage, was nice enough to have left plenty of candles and fire-starting supplies next to the wood stove, so we enjoyed both light and warmth. The cottage is now about 2 years old, and looking no worse for the wear. Of course, the earthen plaster is becoming slightly weathered (which is expected). The green roof is looking better than it ever did (thanks Margot!).

The Eco-Institute is moving, and so the garden beds have been moved, and the fence taken down. The space feels a lot different without the high deer fence. It makes for great photos of the North side of the cottage. Can you spot it in the photo below?

The lime mural has held up really well:

I hadn't seen much of the floor for the past year, as Margot's bed was on top of it. It is in great shape, and feels so good to walk on with bare feet!

The brick entrance pad is still one of my favorite parts of the cottage. The bricks are dry-laid (no mortar or grout), and haven't moved a millimeter.

It looks so nice now that the grasses and flowers have gotten a chance to take over around the cottage - it finally doesn't look like a work site!


  1. What is being done with this dwelling, then?

  2. That's my question- the institute has moved, so what will become of this building?
