Quite a bit has happened with a variety of people in different places over the past month:
1. Backyard Garden Wall Project
2. Finishing the Cob Cottage
3. Road Trip down the West Coast
4. Time in Iowa
Photos would be more helpful than words in explaining what I've been up to, but my documentation skills have been sorely lacking. There is an avalanche of images stored among 4 or 5 cameras across the country, and I hope to collect these over time. In the meantime, here's what I got:
Danielle and I worked like dogs, but sometimes even a dog gets beat by the clock. The decision had to be made whether to do rushed & sloppy work to get it done on schedule, or to put a hold on the project and continue with solid craftsmanship in the spring. We chose the latter. I decided to leave the wall uncovered for the winter, as an grand experiment in how durable unprotected cob can be (fully explaining the Allen Guarantee to my sister - any damage to a wall built by me will be repaired free of charge).
Here is a video of mixing cob in the front yard. This is the first time I've ever seen what I look like when I mix. I had always pictured it looking like a salsa dance, but now I see that it doesn't.

When we initially pulled loads of trash out of the yard, we came across hundreds of bottles. Some we assessed as unique enough to become part of the wall. Arguably, our favorite bottles were the "chug-a-mugs." The idea behind this beer was to have a wide-mouthed bottle so that one could really throw back twelve ounces rather expediently.
I went outside early one morning and noticed that the sun found a hole in the tree canopy through which to really light up our chug-a-mug linear six-pack. Look at that color! At around 7:00 AM in mid-October, this will be an anticipated yearly feature of the wall.

In addition to bottles, we uncovered a lot of bricks. I had Eric Carle's "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" on my mind, and the pile of bricks turned into some wall art. (He will have legs and antannae made out of black ceramic tile someday in the future when the wall is plastered)

Above is the entryway into Ian's play space. It will have a cob archway, and a gate.

Here are the two wooden shelves that were shaped, sanded, shellacked, and installed overnight (the red plaster blob around them is looking spotty because different areas are at different stages of drying):

Here is our "double-boiler" system at our brick fireplace in which we heated the linseed oil for the floor treatment:

And here is the first coat of oil onto the floor (out of 4 total coats). The linseed oil penetrates down into the earthen materials and adds stiffness and durability:

A small helping of oatmeal to celebrate a sleepless night of building:

I wanted to paint the door canary yellow, but we ended up going with a more natural look with a coating of shellac to match the shelves:

This is Margo the gardener and Sheila the pup, the cottage residents-to-be!

Here's how we left it:

Thank you Danielle for all the photos!
The reason for pulling an all-nighter on the cottage was because I had a flight to Seattle booked the next day. This was the beginning to a three-week adventure all the way down the coast to Los Angeles. I traveled with a college friend, Jeremy, and we were able to spend time with a lot of friends along the way.
After almost a week in Seattle, we hit Portland and then Eugene. Jeremy ended up buying this car, so that we didn't have to rent one:

After Eugene was Cob Cottage Company, a place I missed dearly over the past year:

(above) This is the sink where I brushed my teeth every night and morning during the apprenticeship. Behind the sink/mirror is the solar shower. The arched doorway that you see is part of a 60-foot garden wall that was built during my original cob workshop. The building in the very right of the picture with plastic over it was brand new to my eyes. It was built as part of the 2009 apprenticeship program, and will function as a showerhouse when complete (which will be a nice luxury during the cold winter months!).
(below) This is the Bedrock, the house that I helped build during my apprenticeship a year ago. It was really neat to see it totally finished, with the windows installed, the curtain, and some new mosaic and plaster details:

You can get a glimpse of the bowl-shaped green roof of the bedrock through the gorgeous quadruple-wide panoramic window in the Ridge House:

One of my favorite parts of the design at Cob Cottage is the tremendously long garden wall that weaves throughout the property and links almost everything together. A lot of the cottages are just "growths" off of this main wall. Here are some images taken from different points of the path:

This is the cob oven in which we baked bread, pizza, desserts, beans, roasted veggies, and all other sorts of food (to the right in the photo, with the antler handle on the little wooden door):

The Myrtle was the first building ever built on the Cob Cottage campus. It is now used as a library/hang-out space:

My friend Max lived at Cob Cottage for the past year and a half. He's become very interested in fire and heat; here is a stunning Rumford fireplace that he built.

Looking up at how beautiful these leaves are on the temporary plastic roof has given me all kinds of clear roofing ideas for future projects:

After Cob Cottage, we slept at the top of a waterfall for a night, and then among the Redwoods the next night. I really must retrieve some of Jeremy's photos and give myself a bit more time to reflect before I can properly share these places.
Next came San Francisco for 3 days. And then the lengthy, yet spectacular coastline drive down to Los Angeles, where I spent four days with the whole crew: Jeremy, Justin, Mikie, and I. A really solid trip.
From L.A., I flew to Minneapolis, took a bus to Rochester, MN, and was picked up by my dear friend Andi, who proceeded to drive me back to her land in Iowa. Andi and her husband Ian both took cob workshops from me in May. The time spent on their land was exactly the contrast I needed after being overwhelmed by Los Angeles.
Andi and Ian bought the land in June, built a house in 6 weeks from pallets, strawbales, and mud, and have been living in it since! It was very fulfilling to see that they took away knowledge from the workshop and then combined it with their own ideas and resources to build a shelter that is completely unique to them. Perhaps one of the more unique features is Ian's drumset under their sleeping loft:
They plan on living in this building through the next two winters, and then moving into a more finished cob house (which they will be building over the next year and a half):

Some nice bottle work for extra light and style:

An earthen oven in-the-making (they are both
incredible bread-bakers):

Andi and I worked on a cob sweat-lodge project. The basic idea was to build an earthen oven big enough for three people to sit inside. It will function just like a bread oven: heated by a wood fire until the cob walls have been saturated with heat, and then pulling out the fire and crawling in to sweat as the walls radiate the stored heat. We got the site leveled, the stone foundation layed, and about a foot of cob on the wall.
It was a wonderful time, and a place at which I know I will again find myself someday in the future.
Now I am back in Syracuse, NY, and heading off this weekend to work at Stony Creek Farm for the winter!